by Courtney Llewellyn
Dedicated readers of Country Folks are familiar with the work of Troy Bishopp, better known to some as “The Grass Whisperer.” He is a well-seasoned grass farmer, grasslands advocate and a vocal promoter of grass-fed livestock producers. The owner and manager of Bishopp Family Farm in Deansboro, NY (with his understanding wife, daughters, grandchildren and parents), he raises 100% grass-fed dairy heifers, grass-finished beef and background feeder cattle on 100 acres of cool season pastures.
In addition to farming and writing, Bishopp is an active member of the Madison County Soil & Water Conservation District and the Upper Susquehanna Coalition, and a professional speaker. He volunteers as the vice president of the Deansboro Cemetery Association and is a Sons of the American Legion member.
And now, he’s launched his own website.
“I’ve been working on a new website to highlight myself and have a platform to wax what’s on my mind with a cow pie commentary and provide viewers and potential supporters a glimpse of my work,” Bishopp explained.
The site,, is well-designed, with high-resolution photos to accompany his wordsmithing. Bishopp is a 2020/2021 Harold “Cap” Creal Excellence in Journalism Award recipient and is a 2018 Madison County Best Promotion by Media Award winner. He’s also a five-time National Association of Conservation Districts National Photo Contest winner and a 2017 National Grassfed Exchange Conference Service Award winner for his over 30 years of grassland advocacy.
“At Country Folks, we appreciate Troy for so many reasons,” said Joan Kark-Wren, editor-in-chief. “He has a wonderful sense of humor that comes through in his writing. Because of his experience, he has a good handle on issues the farming community faces, and he’s not afraid to tackle controversial issues. We love having him write for us. He brings us genuine, useful and entertaining agricultural content.”
Look for more of Bishopp’s writing in future editions of Country Folks, and make sure to check out
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