The New York Cattle Battle (NYCB) series is a beef cattle show that focuses on providing positive experiences for families. The NYCB was born from the lack of shows for kids in 2020 when COVID decimated their showing season. Kids were still in the barn with their projects but did not have any opportunity to exhibit their hard work. A group of folks provided small pop-up shows throughout the state which culminated with a larger show in Fonda, NY, bringing kids from all over the Northeast and Pennsylvania. The outpouring of support was tremendous. It showed the planning team that providing a series outside of the traditional shows was needed.

In spring 2021, the NYCB had its inaugural show at the Dutchess County Fairgrounds in Rhinebeck, NY. Shane Meier from Stonewall, Texas, was the judge for the weekend. The overall success of the show allowed the team to continue the series and host the Fonda show in October.

The Fall NYCB continued to see success by providing more opportunity to all beef cattle exhibitors over the course of the show weekend. The Fall NYCB added a youth-only show and a Stockman’s Contest where kids judged cattle, took a knowledge test and identified tools used on beef cattle farms. In-kind donations of bark bedding by Kelley Farm and Garden (Cobleskill) and breakfast each show morning sponsored by Merck Animal Health were much appreciated.

Grand Champion Market Steer – Nick Yocum, Orbisonia, PA.
Photos courtesy of Meaganish Marketing & Photography

Grand Champion Jackpot Heifer – James Hicks, Rhinebeck, NY.

Oct. 2 kicked off the weekend with an extremely competitive Showmanship Contest. Jake Osborn of Osborn Show Cattle, Hillsboro, Ohio, evaluated all those 21 and younger on their skillset in the ring. The five best showmen are sorted and placed. The Pee-Wee group (eight and under) were all gifted rope halters from Twist of Fate Show Supply (Portland, CT). The top five youth received recognition, prize monies and banners. The Overall Showman received a belt buckle, donated by Seneca Stone Corporation (Seneca Falls). Additionally, the Overall Showman received a Bio-Zyme Prize Pack from Simme Valley Feeds (Phil Paradis, Groton, NY.) Congratulations to Riley Mahaffey of Amenia, NY, for her Overall Showman title.

The afternoon forged on with the Jackpot Heifer and Prospect/Market Steer Show. Judge Osborn sifted through cattle to find top honors in both shows. Showtimes Magazine provided banners for the top five placings in each Jackpot show. Grand Champion Heifer was awarded to James Hicks of Rhinebeck, NY. The Jackpot Steer Show was fully sponsored by JBS Foods (Souderton, PA). Grand Champion Steer was awarded to Nick Yocum of Orbisonia, PA.

On Oct. 3, the Top Stockman was revealed. Annika Donlick of Cortland, NY, took top honors in the Stockman’s Contest. Donlick had the top cumulative score with cattle judging, tool identification and the quiz bowl test. Following the awards ceremony, the Youth Steer Show kicked off the morning. Nick Yocum took top honors in the show. Lime Kiln Farms (the Miller Family, Delmar, NY) provided the belt buckle denoting Yocum’s win. Rounding out the weekend was the Youth Heifer Show, with Laken Dyn of Jordanville, NY, winning the Overall Heifer with her Maintainer heifer. The Overall Heifer Belt Buckle was donated by John Clark (Feedworks USA).

In addition to the direct sponsors of the top honors, Sew Fancy Embroidery (Cortland, NY) provided NYCB ball caps for each division winner. From monetary donations to in-kind donations, the NYCB is so thankful for all support. Without folks believing in the mission of the NYCB, the team would not have been able to host a show this impactful for all.

The NYCB team has already begun planning and gathering information for the 2022 season. This show series will be a Beyond the Ring Junior Livestock Association-sanctioned show (, allowing youth to vie for state, regional and national awards and recognition in addition to the NYCB awards. We will be back at the Dutchess County Fairgrounds April 29 – May 2, 2022 and at the Fonda Fairgrounds Sept. 30 – Oct. 2, 2022. Continue to watch the Facebook page or NYCB website for announcements ( or email

Finally, the NYCB team would be remiss to not thank all the generous sponsors who generously donated to support our mission: JBS Foods; Empire Livestock Marketing (Syracuse, NY); Kelley Farm and Garden; DAIM Trucking (Fultonville, NY); Reverse Rocking R Ranch (Maxwell, NM); Simme Valley Feed/Bio-Zyme Products; Jack Miller Tractor and Truck (Schoharie, NY); Merck Animal Health; Seneca Stone Corporation; NY Angus Association; Zoetis Animal Health; Formula of Champions/Kalmbach Feeds; Meaganish Marketing and Photography (Clinton Corners, NY); Country Folks/Lee Newspapers (Palatine Bridge, NY); Feedworks USA (Jordanville, NY); Sew Fancy Embroidery; Falcon Fields Farms (Rhinebeck, NY); SK Herefords (Medina, NY); Pinebrook Acres (Southwick, MA); MMT Cattle (Fonda, NY); Walbridge Farms (Millbrook, NY); Tullyfergus Angus (Lyons, NY); Tim June (Cortland, NY); Mogck Show Cattle (Tripp, SD); NYS Simmental Association; CNY Auto Hub (Cortland, NY); United Ag and Turf (Fultonville, NY, office); Seedway (Hall, NY); Twist of Fate Show Supply; Wilson Engineering (Dansville, NY); John and Canace Bozeman (Naples, NY); Adam and Cindy Hay (Carlisle, NY); Lime Kiln Farms; Double S Charolais (Davenport, NY); the Hicks Family (Rhinebeck, NY); Ledge Knoll Farm (White Creek, NY); the Kuipers Family (Byron, NY).


Results from 2021 Fall NY Cattle Battle

Top 5 Showmen – Judge Jake Osborn

Overall Showman – Riley Mahaffey, Amenia, NY

Reserve Overall Showman – Anna King, Cobleskill, NY

3rd Overall Showman – Kaitlyn Broughton, Silver Springs, NY

4th Overall Showman – Evie Groom, Lyons, NY

5th Overall Showman – James Hicks, Rhinebeck, NY

Jackpot Heifer Show – Judge Jake Osborn

Grand Champion Heifer – James Hicks, Rhinebeck, NY

Reserve Grand Champion Heifer – Riley Mahaffey, Amenia, NY

3rd Overall Heifer – Taylor Schofield, Byron, NY

4th Overall Heifer – Molly SanEmertario, Greenville, NY

5th Overall Heifer – Laken Dyn, Jordanville, NY

Jackpot Market Show

Grand Champion Steer – Nick Yocum, Orbisonia, PA

Reserve Grand Champion Market – Ben Prentice, Rhinebeck, NY

3rd Overall Market Animal – Chase Gerhardt, East Aurora, NY

4th Overall Market Animal – Matt Flasher, Three Springs, PA

5th Overall Market Animal – James Hicks, Rhinebeck, NY

Youth Heifer Show – Judge Andy Weaber

Overall Grand Champion Heifer – Laken Dyn, Jordanville, NY

Reserve Grand Champion Heifer – Brittani Burke, South Windsor, CT

3rd Overall Heifer – James Hicks, Rhinebeck, NY

4th Overall Heifer – Tiffany George, Hamburg, PA

5th Overall Heifer – Adeline Tommell, Fonda, NY

Youth Market Animal Show

Overall Market Animal – Nick Yocum, Orbisonia, PA

Reserve Market Animal – Matt Flasher, Three Springs, PA

3rd Overall Market Animal – Tiffany George, Hamburg, PA

4th Overall Market Animal – James Hicks, Rhinebeck, NY

5th Overall Market Animal – Chase Gerhardt, East Aurora, NY

Youth Bull Show

Grand Champion Bull – Haley-Ann Lynch, Southwick, MA

Reserve Grand Champion Bull – Kaitlyn Broughton, Silver Springs, NY