by Elizabeth A. Tomlin
Folks came from far and wide to exhibit their dairy cattle in the prestigious 2019 Spring Dairy Carousel in Syracuse, NY.
The annual, four-day international show, hosted by the New York Holstein Association (NYHA), took place at the New York State Fairgrounds and featured seven dairy breed shows, sales and showmanship classes.
“All of the breed shows and youth competitions had tremendous quality,” said Kelly Reynolds, NYHA executive manager.
In the Jersey show alone, Pennsylvania showed strength in quality and competition.
Although Avonlea Premier Chocolate Chip, exhibited by Avonlea Genetics, Brighton, ON, Canada, was awarded Senior and Grand Champion of the Open Show, Esperanza Ga Vivian, exhibited by Rivendale Farms, Bulger, PA, was awarded Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion of the Open Show.
Grand Champion of the Junior Show was awarded to Hillacre Venom Adele exhibited by Nicole Arrowsmith, Peach Bottom, PA. Hillacre Venom Adele was also awarded as Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show.
Reserve Senior Champion of the Junior Show was awarded to Hillacres Apple Jack Marianas, exhibited by Caroline Arrowsmith, Peach Bottom, PA.
Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show was awarded to EDN RU Gentry Carmels Carmela, exhibited by Sara Lynne Reed, Columbia Cross Roads, PA.
Spatz Joel Lily, bred by Spatz Cattle Co., Lititz, PA, won first place Jersey Winter Heifer Calf. She is currently owned and exhibited by seven-year-old Russell Prins, Pryme Farms Inc., Brighten, ON.
Some changes were noted in this year’s schedule.
“With an abbreviated schedule, hopefully it was more economically friendly for exhibitors to come show off their best cattle,” Reynolds remarked.
The Northeast Spring National Holstein Show was included in the Sunday portion of the event, with Grand Champion awarded to Underground Bccas Blair-Red (Acme), Oakfield Corners Dairy, NY, and Reserve Grand Champion awarded to Curr-Vale Absolute Adored-Red-ET, Cedar Lane Farm, NJ.
Show judges included Pat Conroy of Angola, IN, in the Open Holstein and Milking Shorthorn divisions; Nathan Thomas of North Lewisburg, Ohio, in the New York Junior Holstein, Red & White, and Guernsey divisions; Chad Ryan of Fond du Lac, WI, in the Ayrshire and Brown Swiss divisions; and Pierre Boulet, Montnagmy, QC, in the Jersey division.
“It’s such a great event to kick off spring,” said Reynolds. “For people to get out and see great cattle, youth to compete in showmanship and judging and just to join together as a dairy community and enjoy everything cows for a few days!”
For more Carousel information go to
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