Grazing management for cover crops
Growing cover crops is not a passive practice.
That was the message that Dr. Marcelo Wallau, forage (more…)
Growing cover crops is not a passive practice.
That was the message that Dr. Marcelo Wallau, forage (more…)
The first week of December, Old Man Pre-Winter dumped two separate doses of snow over much (more…)
One of the most frightening experiences for anyone is learning that a friend or family member is considering (more…)
When Laura Paletta, outreach specialist with the University of Wisconsin, talks about manure, she emphasizes the (more…)
Feed is commonly the largest expense on a livestock farm, and the quality of the feed can make or break the herd. (more…)
One of the most significant forest and landscape trees, the American beech, is in trouble. (more…)
Sulfur (S) assists crops in forming beneficial amino acids, proteins and oils. It’s also needed to produce chlorophyll. (more…)
University of New Hampshire is a well-known research university, with students and professors constantly running (more…)
According to the Albany Times-Union, a tiny hamlet in Lewis County just north of Tug Hill State Forest had the distinction (more…)
Paul Kelly is the third generation of the British Kelly family involved in raising and promoting the brand KellyBronze (more…)
Because beef cattle aren’t typically handled daily, it’s important to establish a clear plan prior to working a group of cattle (more…)
Building soil organic matter and protecting soil from erosion are two well-known benefits of cover crops. Cover (more…)
Part 3: Achieving reductions without breaking the bank
When it comes to what happens in (more…)
PLYMOUTH, NH – Author Margaret Mead immortalized the phrase “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, (more…)
Lee Turkey Farm in East Windsor, NJ, spans seven generations. The sixth generation, at the helm, is Ronny and Janet Lee. (more…)