New York State Ag Commissioner Richard A. Ball has announced that the deadline for nominations for new members to the New York Dairy Promotion Order (DPO) Advisory Board has been extended. Members would serve a three-year term starting on May 1, 2023.

The Advisory Board assists the commissioner in the administration of the DPO and makes recommendations on dairy marketing promotion, education and research programs. All nominations must be received no later than March 3.

Any individual producer who markets milk in NY may be nominated for membership on the Advisory Board. Nominations can only be made by individual NY milk producers. They must be signed by the nominating individual and submitted in writing along with the nomination form, found at Cooperatives and other farm organizations are not authorized to nominate individual producers to the Advisory Board but may endorse producers who are nominated.

Each nomination should include the name and address of the producer who is being nominated, their co-op or other organizational affiliation and other pertinent information about the producer such as herd size, market, participation in farm organizations or programs and experience in marketing activities. Completed nomination forms will be used to evaluate the nominee’s qualifications.

Requests for forms and completed nominations can be addressed to:

NYS Department of Ag & Markets

Division of Milk Control and Dairy Services

Attn: Heather Torino

10B Airline Dr.

Albany, NY 12235


For more information on the DPO Advisory Board nomination process, email or call 518.457.0172.