resizedimage200155-NYCAMH-logoSeneca Falls, NY – The New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health will celebrate 25 years of farm safety programs with its new NYCAMH-to-Go Mobile Unit at the August 6-8, 2013 Empire Farm Days. To meet the needs of busy farmers, NYCAMH now offers a mobile health van staffed by health and safety professionals. It combines basic hearing, blood pressure, glucose, vision and other preliminary health screenings with NYCAMH occupational health programs. The NYCAMH-to-Go van is equipped to provide respiratory fit testing and direct sales of personal protective equipment and power takeoff shields. Among the safety and health activities at the 300-acre event at Rodman Lott and Son Farms in Seneca Falls, NY, are free skin cancer and blood pressure screenings, and first aid demonstrations with a trauma mannequin. NYCAMH staff will provide information on the New York State ROPS – Rollover Protective Structure – Rebate Program that offers up to $865 toward the cost of retrofitting a tractor. Operation Life Saver staff will be providing railroad safety demonstrations. Finger Lakes Community Health will have information on migrant worker health resources. The New York State Police will provide information on State slow moving vehicle, ATV and lighting laws. The New York State Department of Transportation offers information on drivers’ licenses, hazardous materials, load securement and roadside inspections. New York State Electric and Gas crews will offer live line safety demonstrations. NYCAMH staff will be in the New York Farm Bureau Family Center with a farm safety puppet show, coloring books and other youth activities. Visitors can register here for the chance to win a free rollbar for a tractor. NYCAMH, a program of Bassett Healthcare Network, enhancing agricultural and rural health by preventing and treating occupational injury and illness. Safety and health services include on-farm surveys and safety trainings, on-farm emergency response training, CPR, and first aid. Services are free, confidential, and available in English and Spanish. For details, contact NYCAMH at 800-343-7527, For more information on Empire Farm Days, visit or call 877-697-7837