In addition to hosting regional events for producers from across New England, the Eastern States Exposition (the Big E) also runs bigger shows – such as the 2023 National Lincoln Show.

This year’s show was judged by Sara Kuykendall of Richland Center, WI. It was separated into the two main divisions of Lincoln sheep, white and natural colored. The Lincoln breed is one of the four recognized English longwool sheep. They first gained attention during the mid-1800s, in part due to the inclusion of classes for this breed at the Royal Show. The impressive appearance of these large, dignified sheep caused a stir, especially since wool had high market value at this time, according to the Livestock Conservancy.

Those competing in the national show at the Big E came from New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware.

The Open Show Senior Champion White Ram went to Deborah Moore of North East, MD, with Heritage Hill Y24; the Reserve Champion went to Deborah Vanderwende of Greenwood, DE, with Locust Grove 1165 Bradford.

The Junior Show Champion white ram went to Moore’s Heritage Hill Y24 as well, and Reserve Champion belonged to Moore’s Heritage Hill Y61.

National Lincoln Show draws the best to the Big E

Farmers from across New England and the Mid-Atlantic traveled to West Springfield, MA, to compete in the 2023 National Lincoln Show. Photo by Courtney Llewellyn

Other results are as follows:

  • Open Show Senior Champion White Ewe – Deborah Moore with Heritage Hill Rader Y18; Reserve Champion – Moore, with Heritage Hill Y38 Nicki
  • Open Show Junior Champion White Ewe – Deborah Moore with Heritage Hill Y76 Trulie; Reserve Champion – Moore’s Heritage Hill Y52 Darn
  • Open Show Grand Champion Ewe – Deborah Moore with Heritage Hill Rader Y18; Reserve Grand Champion – Moore’s Heritage Hill Y38 Nicki
  • Junior Show Champion White Ewe – Eva Garges of Telford, PA, with Garges Girl 189; Reserve Champion – Garges, with Garges Girl 208
  • Best White Fleece – Deborah Vanderwende’s white junior ram lamb Locust Grove 1241 Daly

In addition to winning a lot of classes in the White Show, Moore was also presented with the Premier Exhibitor and Premier Breeder awards.

by Courtney Llewellyn