by Elizabeth A. Tomlin
Over 2,250 people attended Montgomery County’s 13th annual Sundae on the Farm.
Marc and Nicole Tommell’s MMT Cattle Inc., of Fonda, NY hosted this year’s event, which was sponsored by Montgomery Co. Farm Bureau, Montgomery Co. Ag Farmland & Protection Board and Montgomery Co. Soil & Water.
Many were first time attendees that had heard about the event through fliers circulated through surrounding area schools.
Displays, demonstrations and, of course, ice cream sundaes made with over 60 gallons of donated Stewart’s ice cream, were available to all who attended. A variety of farm animals were exhibited, including Puthaven Farm’s immense oxen and Eastern Regional Draft Horses, which also took folks for wagon rides.
“The wagon rides are the best thing!” said 7-year-old Donoven Melo of Tribes Hill. Many other children at the event echoed his sentiment.
Hours of hard work and many hands went into making the day a success.
“It’s great that we have been able to continue this event for 13 years!” remarked Montgomery County Farm Bureau President Martin Kelly, who was also Chairman for the 13th annual Sundae on the Farm. “This year allowed us to showcase a different sector of the agricultural industry and we greatly appreciate Marc and Nicole Tommell’s generosity in opening their doors to host this year’s amazing event!”
Kelly also extended a “thank you!” to the Farm Bureau families, Mohawk Valley FFA, 4-H families and all who donated their time to help make the event so successful. “They make this event happen!”
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