WASHINGTON, D.C. — Chairman Frank Lucas issued the following statement Jan. 29 after the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Agricultural Act of 2014 by a vote of 251-166.
“I am pleased a majority of my House colleagues joined me in supporting a five-year, comprehensive farm bill. I appreciate the efforts of everyone who helped get us here. This is legislation we can all be proud of because it fulfills the expectations the American people have of us. They expect us to work together to find ways to reduce the cost of the federal government. The Agricultural Act contributes major savings to deficit reduction, significant reforms to policy, and yet still provides a safety net not only for the production of American food and fiber, but also to ensure our fellow citizens have enough food to eat. I am hopeful this legislation will enjoy the same success when the Senate considers it, and I encourage the president to sign it quickly into law,” said Chairman Frank Lucas.
Farm Policy Reforms
The Agricultural Act of 2014 includes the most significant reduction to farm policy spending in history by improving agricultural programs.
• Repeals Direct Payments and limits producers to risk management tools that offer protection when they suffer significant losses.
• Limits on payments are reduced, eligibility rules are tightened, and means tests are streamlined to make farm programs more accountable.
• Strengthens crop insurance, a successful public/private partnership that ensures farmers invest in their own risk management.
• Provides historic reforms to dairy policy by repealing outdated and ineffective dairy programs. Offers producers a new, voluntary, margin protection program without imposing government-mandated supply controls.
• Supports small businesses and beginning farmers and ranchers with training and access to capital.
Additional Reforms & Regulatory Relief
The Agricultural Act of 2014 includes multiple regulatory relief provisions benefitting agricultural and forestry industries.
• Consolidates 23 duplicative and overlapping conservation programs into 13.
• Provides one year of full funding for the Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILT) program, which provides funding for vital services in communities containing federal lands.
• Provides certainty to the forest products industry by clarifying that forest roads and related silvicultural activities should not be treated as a point source under the Clean Water Act.
• Creates a permanent subcommittee within the EPA Science Advisory Board to conduct peer review of EPA actions that would negatively impact agriculture.
• Enhances coordination between USDA, EPA, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) regarding the conflict between laws governing pesticide use and the Endangered Species Act.
• Enhances coordination between USDA and the U.S. FWS regarding actions taken to manage the lesser prairie chicken.
• Eliminates duplicative reporting requirements for seed importers; requires improved economic analysis of FDA regulations.
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