CEW-MR-1-Greenwich FFA 1cTwenty-six Greenwich FFA members traveled to the 88th New York State FFA Convention in Albion, NY. Members joined 1,300 other FFA members from across the state to compete in Career Development Events(CDEs), receive their Empire Degree, Proficiency and Breed Awards, win scholarships, participate in workshops and tour agri-businesses. Greenwich FFA excelled! Easton Murray, Breana Scribner and Joana Wilbur won $6,500 in scholarships.
After competing in the FFA Creed Speaking Contest, Kaylah Gulley placed 2nd and Meghan Coldwell placed 3rd. The Maple Team consisting of Bailey Saunders, Zack Bailey, Kevin Casey and Devlin Kennedy placed third. Devlin placed 7th individually. In the Veterinary Science CDE Alex O’Brien placed 4th. Winning the state Parliamentary Procedure contest was the team consisting of Max English, Emma Stein, Gabby Jordan, Liz Waite, Dylan Rogers, and Easton Murray. They will be representing New York in Louisville, KY, at the National FFA Convention in October. Also winning first place in New York State for their experience with dairy cattle were Breana Scribner in the Holstein and Milking Shorthorn category. Kaylah Gulley won the Brown Swiss breed. Hannah Wilber received first for her work with Ayrshires.
The Empire Degree is the highest state award that an FFA member can receive. This is based on their work experience, FFA leadership as well as their school and community service. Receiving the Empire Degree were Zack Bailey, Chelsey Morrison, Kylee McPhail, Easton Murray, Devlin Kennedy, and Bradley Gifford. Kennedy was awarded the District Star Farmer and Murray received the District Star in Ag Placement based on their outstanding Empire Degree applications.
The Greenwich FFA Chapter also received a gold medal in the National Chapter award contest for their work in chapter, student, and community development. Greenwich is proud to have a representative on the New York State FFA Officer Team. Gabby Jordan was elected as the 2013-2014 New York State District 3 President.