On Aug. 19, at the 164th Harford Fair, 14 former Susquehanna County Dairy Princesses gathered – some to just visit, others to see how the current court is doing, and all to enjoy time together. Most still follow how the promotion team is doing, and some are even bringing their daughters or granddaughters up through the program to follow in their footsteps. Although all of us Dairy Princesses wore the crown and sash, it has helped to lead us in the direction we are headed in life. This program has opened many doors and led to opportunities we otherwise wouldn’t have imagined.

But, back to the Dairy Princess reunion. All of the princesses and current promotion team played a spin-off of “Jeopardy!” called “Dairy Jeopardy!” Susquehanna County Dairy 4-H’ers were gracious enough to spend some time with us, as opponents, to see if current 4-H’ers or Dairy Princesses of all ages had more dairy knowledge or fun facts.

Then, after we concluded our game, we made a huge ice cream sundae. Consisting of 15 gallons of ice cream, many, many syrups, a billion cans of whipped cream, a tub of cherries and plenty of sprinkles, it was enough to make any kid’s day! Four past princesses served the ice cream. It was a real test to make sure they were still up to par on their ice cream scoping abilities.

We even had an impromptu halftime show, full of corny cow jokes, thanks to the one and only Corey Vanderfeltz. He even modeled a sash and crown for all.

Dairy Princess Reunion held at the Harford Fair

Serving the ice cream sundae are former Dairy Princesses Brooke Marvin, Karen Hubbard Schake, Amanda Zembrzycki Burns and Markie Manzer Pratt. Photo courtesy of Susquehanna County Dairy Promotion Team

Now, as I look back at the pictures from that day, I see many amazing, powerful ladies who all devoted time in their lives to the industry that is near and dear to many people, an industry that feeds people. Industries that feed the world, I think, are some of the most important. Many people take the food on their table for granted. But as promoters of a hard-working industry, we try our best to show people where their food comes from and help them not take that ice cream cone or bowl of cereal with milk for granted. All those products consumers have access to are available thanks to hardworking dairy farmers.

If you see a promoter of the dairy industry or a farmer, make sure to thank them. Those two words – “thank you” – go a long way … longer than some may think.

Following is the caption for the group photo on the cover (on the home page): Kneeling is current Dairy Princess Holly Harvatine. First row, left to right: 1980 Princess Betsy Arnold, 2004 Princess Amanda Zembrzycki Burns, Kali Harvatine, Courtney Marvin, Ava Hughes, Lynsey Zawiski and Maci Harvatine. Second row: 1978 Princess Darlene Pease Page, 1999 Princess Karen Hubbard Schake, 2016 Princess Brooke Marvin, 2010 Princess Olivia Mitchell Zawiski, 2012 Princess Callie Curley, 2008 Princess Eileen Walker Molinaro and Kaylee Walker. Back row: 2005 Princess Amanda Miner Smarkusky, 2011 Princess Allison Kiefer, 2012 Princess Callie Curley, 1996 Princess Julie Stalter Harvatine, 1973 Princess Markie Manzer Pratt and Evie Goff.

by Susquehanna County Dairy Princess Holly Harvatine