Fill a Glass with Hope gets nutrient-rich milk to Central PA Food Bank – Williamsport

TROY, PA — Families utilizing food banks in the Bradford County area will have access to fresh milk thanks to the Bradford County Dairy Promotion Board and Dairy Princess Team and the Fill a Glass with Hope® campaign.

On Monday, June 24, the promotion team presented a check for $703.37 to the Central PA Food Bank – Williamsport to support Fill a Glass of Hope, the first-ever statewide charitable milk program that gets milk to families who need and want it most.

Unfortunately, hunger impacts nearly two million — or one in seven — Pennsylvanians. It has no boundaries and exists in urban, suburban and rural communities. Milk is one of the most requested items by food bank clients, yet it is rarely donated because of its perishability.

“Bradford County Dairy Promotion Board and Dairy Princess Team is honored to work with Fill a Glass with Hope to fight to end hunger in Bradford County,” said Erin Cole, President Bradford County Dairy Promotion Board, “Gaining access to milk’s nine essential nutrients can greatly benefit families served by Central PA Food Bank — Williamsport.”

Fill a Glass with Hope was initiated by dairy farmers and coordinated with Feeding Pennsylvania, American Dairy Association North East and Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Association.

Launched in 2015, the program has raised more than $840,000 (as of Jan. 1, 2018) — with nearly $140,000 raised so far this year — distributing more than seven million servings to Pennsylvania families. Each $1 donated provides approximately eight servings of milk.

You can also donate to a local food bank directly, visit